Dark Beatz
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Hello And Welcome To My Place For Stuff

So here's my site....I put stuff here. Got some crap and some jazz and a little bit of those things they call photos or something? But yah....on a more serious note. My name's Danielle and I live in Deep Cove, which to those of you not in the Vancouver region is just East of North Vancouver in Beautiful British Columbia. I'm an Artist, Singer, MC, DJ, Lyracist, Model and all in all just a cool chick livin' on the edge of the world without a parachute. I enjoy long walks in the park......oh wait wrong site....I'm 22 years old and am a Scorpio/Saggitarian. I love most forms of music but prefer to endulge in Hip-Hop, Drum'n'Bass, Jungle, Breakz and House. I have a boyfriend named Jesse and he's this superfly guy that I absolutely adore. I enjoy learning and am on a quest for knowledge from the time I wake up to the time I'm sound asleep drooling and dreaming of sugerdaddy's .....errr...I mean sugerplums dancing in the snow. I have 3 younger sisters aging from 5, 6 and 19 years old named Jamie, Darby and Veronica. I also have 2 dogs named Cassius and Major which are malamute and wolf cross. Life's hard and sometimes it's a little rough around the edges but here I am and here I shall stay. I work hard to be a good friend and I have many friends to show for it. Blah blah blah blah blah...yakkity shmakkity so yah.... stuff is cool and hope you enjoy my site. It will continue to grow and expand so keep in check.


Well this site is mostly just for me to post pics of stuff online so please bare with me as I barely have time in my busy schedule to update my site. If you have and questions drop me a line. If you have any complaints......sorry about your luck the doors right over there >>>> or maybe over there <<< ah hell.....you know where the x button is.

Wordz I Live By

Never underestimate the effect you can have on others regardless of your position in the world.

Where are
you from:

My Friends
Most of the people who will see my site will probably be all my peepz....But I'll give a shoutout to all you others who happen to stumble across it. Hope you enjoy the show. :D

My Pic Page?
Anyone who wants to add cool pics of anything to my pic page can do so by emailing me to the above address. I would really love to have a lot of party pics and peoples art on here.....I'll be putting up some of my own work too...But that won't be until I get a scanner.

^^A sample of what I create with 3D-Studio Max^^

I love playing with various types of computer art programs and so when I got 3D Studio max....well this became one of my favorite finished projects.

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