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A little party page
So everyone on this page came over to my house one night and we got hammed. Was fun and games as you can see.

Carla Posin' for the Lenz

Here's Mark, me, Rob and Phil being drunk and silly
This is Roberto, me, Rob and Phil still being freakz
Here's Jay......he thinks he's cool *wink*
Me and Mark
Me and Jay....best budz
Me and Stevey.....I'm so glad he came down to Van to visit me!!!
Me tryin' to be sassy or something
Here's Mischa......such a nice guy
Here's me and Mischa.....I think I was trying to eat his arm or something
Mischa.....kikkin' me while I'm down
I think I was trying to look tuff and stuff......
Me and Phil
Phil and Mark...such good friends