3D Graphix and other art
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This page is just some 3D -Art
This page is going to expand slowly as I create more stuff. I would like to scan some of my hand-drawn art up into here soon. For now it's just dedicated to the 3D-Studio Max art that I play with. Hope you enjoy them...they take a lot of time and effort to do.

The first CD label I tried to desing. Very simplistic and not very dynamic but it was nifty for a first try.
CD cover or Label for Jason's (aka DJ Thanatos) demo......was the first finished project I came up with
My mom would be proud of me for "building character". This is the first character I designed ever. Again very simplistic but still took a long time to figure out.
This is just a little something I threw together on a whim. Was messing around with different backgrounds and shapes and stuff.>>>>>>
Probably the most intricate object/s I've made yet with the program. This is also being used as the cover or label for another demo cd.
Here is what it ended up looking like after I elaborating a little more with the lighting and and the coloring.
This one's very basic but I like the contrast of colors and textures it portrays. Again one of my very first creations.